> Sick And Tired Of Doing REAL ESTATE The Old Way? Read This?

Sick And Tired Of Doing REAL ESTATE The Old Way? Read This?


 Are you feeling frustrated with the traditional approaches to real estate investing? Have you found that your old strategies just aren't working like they used to? You're not alone. In today's rapidly changing market, what worked 5 or 10 years ago may no longer be effective. Fortunately, there are innovative new methods that savvy investors are using to maximize profits.

This article will explore some of the ways that technology, changing demographics, and new business models are disrupting real estate. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your investing game to the next level, these tips can help you be more successful in today's environment. Read on to learn how you can stop doing real estate the old way and start leveraging new opportunities!

Sick And Tired Of Doing REAL ESTATE The Old Way? Read This?

Sick And Tired Of Doing REAL ESTATE The Old Way? Read This?

The Rise Of The Tech-Savvy Investor

One of the biggest shifts in real estate is the growing influence of technology. From crowdsourcing platforms to big data analytics, new tech tools are empowering investors in ways never before possible. For instance, companies like Roofstock enable you to buy and sell investment properties online without ever seeing them in person.

You can analyze factors like rents, vacancies, and appreciation down to the neighborhood level. This gives you extraordinary visibility into potential returns. Other platforms like Mastdoor allow you to crowdfund real estate deals with much lower capital requirements. You can invest in an asset-backed portfolio across multiple markets to mitigate risk.

The takeaway is leveraging technology can give you an edge in finding and evaluating deals. You can act faster and with more information than old-school methods. Embracing tech-oriented models can open up opportunities that weren't available even 5 years ago. The most successful investors will continually educate themselves on emerging technologies.

Shift To Meeting Renters Where They Are

Another major change is the shift in renter preferences. Millennials are now the largest generational group of renters. By 2025, Gen Z will surpass Millennials. These younger renters have far different expectations than the generations before them. Their desires are driving seismic shifts in rental housing demand.

Here are some of the top new trends:

  • Location preferences - Younger renters are more likely to choose smaller, urban apartments than spacious suburban homes. Developments near dining, entertainment, and public transit are in high demand.
  • Amenities - Common amenities like gyms and pools still matter. But younger renters also expect more services like package delivery and dog parks. Some even want more lavish features like rooftop lounges or golf simulators.
  • Smart tech - Automation and smart home tech are appealing to digitally-native renters. Keyless entry, smart thermostats, and appliance controls are becoming expected features.
  • Flexibility - Long leases and big security deposits are less popular. Renters craving flexibility are drawn to shorter terms, co-living setups, and options like furniture rentals.

The takeaway is that you need to cater to this new audience. Focus your investing on the types of properties and features that renters want most today. This may mean shifting your strategy away from outdated assumptions of what renters prioritize. Align yourself to match evolving demand and gain a competitive advantage.

Alternative Asset Classes Open New Doors

Investing in traditional asset classes like single-family homes or apartments may no longer make good business sense in some markets. As prices get bid up and profit margins decrease, savvy investors are venturing into creative alternative niches. Here are some options to consider:

  • Commercial properties - Retail, office, and industrial spaces can offer strong cash-on-cash returns at lower entry prices than Class A multifamily units. Brand-name tenants on longer leases can provide stable residual income.
  • Self-storage - Demand continues to rise for self-storage facilities. They require little maintenance and are resilient to recessions. Unit mix and utilizing climate-controlled spaces boost revenues substantially.
  • Manufactured housing - With affordable housing supply lagging behind demand, "mobile home park investing" is on the rise. Favorable financing options and steady occupancy make this niche worth exploring.
  • Senior housing - As the population ages, various senior housing options like independent or assisted living facilities present big opportunities. Alliance Bernstein predicts senior housing to grow into a $136 billion industry by 2023 in the United States alone.

By branching out beyond conventional assets, you open yourself to potentially far higher returns than the status quo. Emerging niche sectors won't be on every investor's radar yet, giving you a chance to gain a foothold before competition drives profits down.

Adopt A Business Mindset

Real estate investing needs to be treated as a serious business venture, not a casual hobby. Adopting a business mindset means executing each deal with purpose and planning for long-term growth. Here are some ways to shift your perspective:

  • Craft a mission - Define your investing goals, target markets, and ideal customers. Develop criteria for which deals align with your mission versus those that don't make strategic sense.
  • Build a team - Surround yourself with experienced professionals like attorneys, brokers, property managers, and CPAs. See them as partners helping your business thrive.
  • Systematize - Create systems and procedures to streamline all parts of your investor operations - from deal sourcing to tenant relations. Systemization leads to consistency and helps you scale.
  • Analyze data - Learn from the data. Track metrics on rents, occupancy, OpEx, cap rates, cash flow, and more. Study trends to make informed decisions backed by hard numbers.
  • Have an exit plan - Think ahead to your eventual exit strategy - selling to capture appreciation or executing a 1031 exchange. Make choices today that set you up for future liquidity events.

Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset helps ensure your investing has direction and purpose. Treat it like a serious business and avoid reactive behaviors that stem from chasing quick returns without a defined strategy.

Explore Creative Financing Strategies

Access to financing is one of the biggest hurdles for aspiring real estate investors. Traditionally, you needed a 20-25% down payment and strict income and credit requirements. While securing a conventional mortgage is still preferred, more flexible financing options are emerging:

  • Crowdfunding - Pool money from multiple investors online to fund projects or developments. You gain access to more capital and can participate in deals with lower buy-ins.
  • Microloans - Finance small residential or commercial deals with short-term loans from private lenders. These come with higher rates but allow you to act fast, especially when first starting.
  • Seller financing - Seller-held mortgages where the seller acts as the bank can offer more flexible terms. A sizable down payment and solid business plan are still required.
  • Hard money loans - Asset-based financing at higher interest rates but less red tape. The property itself backs the loan, not your credit score. Speed and flexibility come at a price.
  • Creative lease options - Land contracts, lease-to-own, subject-to-financing, and other strategies result in various forms of seller financing. This avoids traditional bank requirements.

Getting creative and exploring alternatives can help you obtain financing in scenarios where old-fashioned financing models won't work. The most successful investors continuously evaluate options beyond standard mortgages.

Automate Wherever Possible

Automating routine tasks is critical for managing properties seamlessly, especially as your portfolio grows. Smart technologies available today enable you to spend less time on mundane work and focus more on high-impact priorities. Consider these options:

  • Accounting - Software like Quickbooks Online simplifies small business accounting. Track income, expenses, and profits and generate custom reports.
  • Payments - Accept electronic payments from tenants automatically each month instead of chasing checks or money orders.
  • Maintenance - platforms like Fixd Repairs allow tenants to submit and pay for service requests online. Payments are deposited directly into your account.
  • Leasing - Some property management systems integrate directly with listing sites like Zillow, Apartments.com, and more to auto-syndicate vacancies.
  • Communications - Email automation allows you to set up drip campaigns that go out at certain intervals, like rent increase reminders or lease renewal notices.
  • Screening - Instant tenant screening services like Cozy pull credit, background, and eviction reports in seconds, allowing you to evaluate applicants quickly.

The less time spent on routine tasks, the more you can focus on big-picture strategy. Embrace technologies that eliminate grunt work so you can work smarter.

Outsource To True Specialists

Even with today's automation tools, real estate investing still demands significant time, effort, and coordination. Savvy investors retain trusted specialists to handle critical tasks they aren't experts at themselves:

  • Property management - Avoid landlord headaches by hiring a property manager to handle showings, maintenance, rent collection, compliance issues, and daily operations.
  • Bookkeeping - Paying a bookkeeper frees you from tracking income and expenses. They also remind you of tax deadlines, prepare returns, and ensure you maximize write-offs.
  • Legal counsel - Real estate attorneys advise you in areas like entity structuring, reviewing contracts, interpreting regulations, and resolving disputes. Their expertise protects your interests.
  • Tax strategist - A knowledgeable real estate CPA helps lower your tax bill through strategies like cost segregation studies, 1031 exchanges, installment sales, and depreciation optimization.

Bringing on specialists adds costs but also dramatically increases your capacity. Focus on your strengths and outsource the rest. Assembling the right team provides invaluable support.

Make Value-Adds, Not Just Buy And Hold

While long-term buy-and-hold investing has merits, adding value can be far more profitable. Making improvements allows you to increase rents, lower vacancies, and realize bigger returns when you sell or refinance. Smart investors always have a value-add angle in mind, whether:

  • Cosmetic upgrades like new flooring, appliances, paint, lighting, and more modern finishes.
  • Functional improvements like replacing outdated electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems to lower operating costs.
  • Luxury upgrades like installing high-end kitchens and bathrooms, smart home tech, or high-end amenities.
  • Layout changes like converting unused spaces into additional units or closets.
  • Major rehabs or renovations that enable higher rents for Class A space.
  • Condo conversions that unlock underlying value.

The more ways you can add value before reselling or refinancing, the more potential profit. Fold improvements into your business plan from the beginning versus being reactionary.

Take Calculated Risks

Real estate investing inherently involves taking calculated risks. You're placing large amounts of capital into volatile, complex assets. However, the most successful investors strike an optimal balance between risk management and risk tolerance:

  • They ensure proper legal and insurance protection through entities and coverage.
  • They only invest within established, stable neighborhoods less prone to risk.
  • They verify critical assumptions like rents and expenses through thorough due diligence.
  • They build safety buffers for vacancy, maintenance, CapEx, and bad debt.
  • They maintain ample reserves and access to capital.
  • They diversify across asset classes or turn-key investments to mitigate individual deal risk.

However, they also carefully weigh risks against potential upside:

  • They don't excessively overpay just to eliminate uncertainty.
  • They consider distressed or vacant properties if the numbers work post-rehab.
  • They recognize occasional bad tenants or vacancies are inevitable and budget accordingly.
  • They consider secondary markets where more opportunistic deals may exist.
  • They see calculated risks as inherently part of the business.

Mindset matters as much as specific processes. Analyze risks while also remaining open to smart opportunities. Find the sweet spot between dangerous speculation and overly conservative decisions.

Track Changing Market Conditions Closely

Recognizing macro-level market shifts quickly gives you a major edge. Following key trends enables you to adapt your strategy to capitalize on tailwinds or headwinds:

  • Rents - Are rents rising quickly, plateauing, or starting to fall? Build your forecasts and deals around realistic projections.
  • Vacancies - Are vacancy rates creeping up, indicating a potential oversupply of units? This signals it may be risky to overpay.
  • For-sale market - Are housing prices stalling out or declining? This may drive more demand for rentals.
  • Inventory - Is new construction flooding the market, or are supply constraints continuing? More inventory typically leads to lower rental growth.
  • Employment - What industries are growing or declining locally? Job losses make it harder for tenants to pay rent.
  • Migration - Is the area still gaining newcomers consistently? Popularity drives up rents over time.

No market remains hot forever. Staying continually aware of where indicators are heading allows you to make strategic decisions and avoid getting stuck with bad deals. Don't fly blind - keep a pulse on changing conditions.

Continually Educate Yourself

Real estate investing requires specialized knowledge across many domains - finance, regulations, project management, negotiation, and much more. You can never know it all. That's why the most successful investors never stop educating themselves to expand their expertise.

Ways to keep learning include:

  • Reading books, blogs, forums, and publications to get exposed to new concepts
  • Listening to podcasts during your commute to gain new insights
  • Attending conferences and seminars to network and workshop ideas
  • Getting certified in specializations like commercial brokerage
  • Joining local real estate clubs to mastermind and collaborate
  • Enrolling in online courses and training programs
  • Shadowing or partnering with more experienced investors
  • Meeting with your team of professionals to leverage their knowledge

Make learning a habit, not an afterthought. The industry evolves quickly - staying static means falling behind. Dedicate time each week to level up your knowledge.

Embrace Green And Smart Building Trends

Sustainability and technology are transforming real estate. Eco-conscious consumers are driving demand for greener, more efficient, tech-enabled spaces:

  • LEED and Energy Star - These certifications verify sustainability features like renewable energy sources, water conservation, non-toxic materials, and energy efficiency.
  • Smart home tech - Keyless entry, smart lighting and thermostats, and appliance controls provide convenience while optimizing energy usage.
  • Shared amenities - Bike shares, community gardens, repair shops, and car charging stations are appealing amenities with smaller carbon footprints.
  • Renewables - Solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling systems, and energy storage solutions help properties generate and consume their own clean energy.

-** EV chargers** - Installing electric vehicle chargers caters to the growing EV market while enhancing sustainability.

While implementing green features costs more upfront, they can pay off through higher rents, lower OpEx, improved marketing, and increased tenant satisfaction. Get ahead of the curve by making sustainability central to new projects.

Choose Win-Win Relationships

Real estate is a "people first" business. Nurturing relationships with your tenants, contractors, lenders, and community pays off in the long run. Prioritize win-win partnerships where both parties benefit, such as:

  • Longer leases - Offer tenants incentives for signing multi-year leases to reduce turnover costs.
  • Referrals - Reward tenants and contractors who refer new renters or projects to you.
  • Prompt payment - Pay contractors quickly upon job completion to incentivize the best service. Offer tenants incentives for paying rent early each month.
  • Upfront communication - Set clear expectations upfront to prevent misunderstandings. Be transparent about any issues.
  • Added perks - Provide exemplary tenants with extras like gift cards, rent discounts, or concierge services. They'll associate you with positive experiences.

Real estate is less transactional than truly collaborating to meet mutual goals. Invest time into relationships versus just chasing the next deal. Your reputation will encourage others to work with you.

Make Energy And Passion Your Edge

You can systematize and automate many aspects of investing. But the human component - your vision, creativity, and drive as a founder - can't be replaced. Bringing true passion, persistence, and resilience to your investing gives you an unrivaled edge.

Final tips for investing with energy and passion:

  • Begin each day motivated to execute your goals, not just passively respond.
  • When challenges arise, consider them opportunities to test your grit and problem-solving abilities.
  • Spend time visualizing your future dream portfolio and lifestyle. Make it vivid enough to inspire focused effort today.
  • Set measurable targets and deadlines for the success you want to achieve. Track progress to maintain momentum.
  • Surround yourself with others who believe in your mission and push you to greater heights.
  • Make self-care like exercise, healthy eating, and rest priorities so you can think clearly and recharge.

The most successful investors don't just work hard - they bring an almost fanatical drive and purpose to the process day after day. Let passion and vision fuel you.

Key Takeaways

  • Leverage technology like data analytics and crowdfunding to gain advantages traditional investors won't have.
  • Cater to younger generations' preferences for urban properties with smart tech and flexible lease options.
  • Consider alternative assets like self-storage, medical properties, or senior housing with lower competition but rising demand.
  • Adopt true business principles like long-term planning, systemization, data analysis, and team building.
  • Explore creative financing like microloans, crowdfunding, and lease-to-own arrangements beyond just conventional mortgages.
  • Automate accounting, maintenance requests, leasing workflows, and communications to work more efficiently.
  • Outsource specialized work like property management, bookkeeping, and legal counsel to experts.
  • Create value through renovations, expansions, condo conversions, and other improvements beyond just buying and holding.
  • Take smart risks within the context of thorough due diligence, adequate reserves, and diversification.
  • Closely monitor changes in rents, inventory, jobs, migration, and the broader for-
  • Closely monitor changes in rents, inventory, jobs, migration, and the broader for-sale housing market to adapt your investing strategy.
  • Continually expand your knowledge through books, podcasts, courses, certifications, and networking with other investors.
  • Incorporate green building features, smart home tech, renewable energy, EV chargers, and shared amenities to meet growing consumer demand.
  • Prioritize win-win partnerships and added value for your tenants, contractors, lenders, and community members.
  • Bring passion, grit, purpose, and resilience to your daily execution. Visualize future successes to stay motivated.

The real estate investing landscape is changing rapidly. Sticking to rigid, status-quo strategies can be a recipe for lackluster returns and frustration. By embracing a nimble, entrepreneurial mindset and leveraging new technologies and business models, you can unlock opportunities unlike ever before.

Approach your investment with a student's eagerness to keep learning and improving. Let discomfort with the "old way" drive you to continually innovate and implement emerging best practices. There has never been a better time to be an agile, solutions-oriented real estate investor.

Whether you're just starting on your journey or looking to reignite your passion after years in the business, use the strategies above to maximize success in today's landscape. Keep raising the bar for yourself. The rewards will follow those who can see possibilities whereas others only see obstacles.

You now have an arsenal of cutting-edge tips to finally invest smarter, not harder. So what are you waiting for? It's time to start putting these ideas into action and watch your portfolio reach new heights!

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