> Is Getting Google Screened Worth It for Real Estate Agents? What You Need to Know?

Is Getting Google Screened Worth It for Real Estate Agents? What You Need to Know?


Real estate is often seen as a lucrative and flexible career path. With low barriers to entry and high earning potential, it’s no wonder so many are drawn to become real estate agents. However, the market is competitive and saturated in many areas. Standing out as a top agent requires strategy and effort. One way real estate professionals can distinguish themselves is by becoming Google Screened.

Becoming a Google Screened Real Estate Agent: A Complete Guide

Becoming a Google Screened Real Estate Agent: A Complete Guide

What is Google Screened Real Estate?

Google Screened is a verification program for real estate agents powered by the search engine giant. Agents who pass Google’s background check and verification process will receive a digital badge to display on their website and profiles. This badge signals to potential clients that the agent is credible and trustworthy.

The Google Screened badge gives agents a competitive edge. Google states that a Screened agent is 3.5 times more likely to be contacted by home buyers than non-screened agents. Given that 90% of home searches start on Google, this is a huge advantage.

Benefits of Being a Google-Screened Real Estate Agent

There are several key benefits agents receive by being Screened:

  • Increased visibility in search: Google Screened agents can have their digital badge displayed directly in Google search results. This allows home buyers to quickly identify credible agents.
  • Higher contact rates: Google states that Screened agents get contacted 3.5x more by interested home buyers after being displayed in search results. The badge indicating trustworthiness and verification encourages more inquiries.
  • Enhanced credibility: The Google Screened badge signals to prospects that an agent is established, experienced, and has passed background checks. This immediately establishes credibility.
  • Access to Google tools: Screened agents get access to free Google tools like AdWords coupons, Google My Business upgrades, and other assets to enhance their digital marketing.
  • Professional development: Google provides a selection of free professional development courses only for Screened agents to continually improve their expertise.

Clearly, real estate agents have much to gain by becoming Google Screened. The increased visibility, credibility, and inquiry rates can significantly impact an agent’s business and bottom line.

Google Screened Real Estate Agent Requirements

So what does it take to actually become a Google Screened agent? Google has outlined several key requirements:

  • Have an active real estate license - This license must be valid for at least the past 12 months. Brokers, broker associates, and salespersons are all eligible.
  • Have made recent real estate transactions - Applicants must have completed real estate transactions in the past 12 months as a buying agent, listing agent, or both. Evidence will be required during the application process.
  • Pass a background check - A clean background check with no previous instances of fraud or misconduct is required. Google partners with TheWorkNumber to conduct verification.
  • Maintain a valid website - Applicants must have an active website specific to their real estate business. This will be verified by Google.
  • Provide valid contact information - Accurate phone numbers, email addresses, and office addresses must be provided. Google will reach out via these methods during the Screening process.
  • Have a Google My Business profile - A complete and optimized GMB profile for the applicant’s real estate business must be maintained.
  • Agree to Google’s services agreement - Applicants must review and agree to Google’s terms of service to ensure understanding of the program.

Additionally, Google does charge a fee for agents to go through the Screening process. This is a one-time fee that enables access to Screening for the duration of an agent’s career.

How to Become a Google-Screened Real Estate Agent

If you meet the above requirements, becoming a Google Screened agent simply requires completing Google’s application process:

Step 1) Visit the Google Screened website and click “Get Screened” to begin your application.

Step 2) Enter your contact information, real estate license details, website URLs, and Google My Business profile link.

Step 3) Read and accept Google’s terms of service and privacy policy.

Step 4) Provide evidence of your recent real estate transactions by uploading documentation or screenshots.

Step 5) Pay the one-time Screening fee (currently $99 in the United States).

Step 6) Wait for Google to conduct background checks and verify all documentation provided. This may take up to 2 weeks.

Step 7) If approved, claim your digitally Screened badge and display it proudly on your website and profiles!

Displaying the Google Screened Badge

Once approved as a Screened agent, it’s important to properly display your verification badge everywhere possible. This visibility is what alerts home buyers that you are a credible, verified agent.

Follow these best practices for maximizing the impact of your Screened badge:

  • Add the badge image and link prominently on your website homepage and About page.
  • Display your Screened badge on your GMB profile under your bio, credentials, and in your profile image.
  • Include the “Google Screened” designation in your email signature.
  • Showcase your badge on your LinkedIn profile under certifications and in your headline.
  • Feature the badge on your Facebook business page and any local real estate group pages you manage.
  • Prominently display the badge on any print marketing materials such as business cards, flyers, brochures, etc.

Proper display of the Google Screened badge will boost your click-through rates and inquiries as home buyers instantly recognize you are verified.

Maintaining Google Screened Status

To retain your Screened status, there are a few responsibilities to uphold:

  • Keep your license current - You must maintain an active real estate license in good standing at all times.
  • Complete annual transaction reviews - Google will conduct an annual review asking for transaction documentation to prove you are actively selling real estate.
  • Renew agreements - When prompted, real estate agents must renew their agreement to Google’s terms, conditions, and fees associated with being Screened.
  • Notify Google of major changes - Changes to your license status, contact information, website, or other details must be reported to Google promptly.

As long as you stay on top of license renewal, transaction verification, and any changes, your Screened status can be maintained long-term. This will allow you to continue benefiting from the program over the life of your real estate career.

The Value of Google Screening for Real Estate Agents

Being a Google Screened real estate agent provides immense value through increased visibility, credibility, and client contact rates. The one-time investment to be Screened can pay dividends for years to come.

However, Screening is not a replacement for excellent customer service, market expertise, and top-notch marketing. Real estate professionals should focus on providing value first, then augment their business with the benefits of Google Screening and verification.

For motivated agents looking to propel their careers, Google Screened is an opportunity not to be missed. The application process is straightforward for established agents, and the payoff in new business can be substantial. Becoming a Screened agent is one of the wisest strategic moves an agent can make to stand out from the crowd and attract more clients.

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Screened Real Estate

Real estate agents considering Google Screened likely have many questions about the details of the program. Here are answers to some of the key frequently asked questions:

What is the cost of being Google Screened?

For individual real estate agents in the United States, the cost is currently $99 as a one-time fee. For agencies and brokerages, fees start at $399.

How long does it take to become Screened?

Google states that the screening process takes 5-10 business days on average. However, it can take up to 2 weeks for full verification.

Can I use the Screened badge before being approved?

No, you can only display the Google Screened badge after your application has been officially approved. Using it before formal verification is grounds for dismissal from the program.

Do I need to be Screened for each state I have a license in?

No, you only need to be Screened once for your primary license location. The badge can be used across all states you are licensed in.

What happens if I change brokerages?

Your Screened status stays with you as an agent. You will simply need to update your profile on Google with your new brokerage details.

Can I lose my Screened status?

Yes, Google will revoke Screened status if you no longer meet requirements such as an active license, completed transactions, a valid website, and an agreement to terms. Ensure you continually meet the criteria.

How often do I need to renew Screening?

Screening does not need to be renewed. As long as you maintain an active license and meet other criteria, your status remains valid long-term.

Who sees my Screened badge?

Your badge will be visible in Google search results as well as on platforms where you display it like your website, Google My Business, social media, and marketing materials.

Becoming a Google Screened real estate agent provides immense value for established agents looking to improve their visibility and attract more clients. While the program does require meeting certain criteria and fees, the long-term benefits make it a smart investment for motivated professionals.

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